Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Eczema - Natural Treatments

This is a complex disease of the skin, and in most cases it requires a professional approach. There is a wealth of experience in treating people suffering from eczema, using natural methods. And because the conventional treatment of eczema is usually associated with long-term and regular use of creams containing steroids, has a very large sense to pay attention to other possible treatments for this disease.
It is important to remember that the approach to the treatment of patients with eczema should be as flexible as possible. You may need to alternate between different oils and change the way their application, since the nature of this disease depends on a huge number of factors and skin condition for some time can be improved under the influence of an oil and then when the symptoms may need something else. Among the oils most beneficial effect on skin should include chamomile, geranium, lavender, lemon peppermint oil (often called a balm for the first part of its Latin name), and perhaps pink. The first step is to apply no more than 1 per cent dilution of these oils, and they need to grow in the lungs of watery creams, and for very dry skin can be weakened or as a basis to use thicker creams and ointments or pure vegetable oil. First, try to use these oils separately, to see how the skin reacts to each of them.
Another method of using essential oils for a sufficiently extensive skin lesions is to add them to cool compresses: Start with 5 drops in 500 ml of water.
When the disease is extremely effective herbal medicine, usually at the same time using both internal resources and all kinds of outdoor applications. In addition to the oils already mentioned above, to reduce inflammation and promote healing of the skin are very useful creams and ointments with rank and file (Symphytum officinak) and marigolds (Calendula officinalis). If a strong itching, often accompanied by eczema, one of the best herbs is chickweed, or wood louse (Stettaria media); recommend cooking with fresh herbs cream or ointment, but you can just make the infusion, and when it cools down, put him compresses . If the skin vlazhnovataya, then that Kim did exactly can I use infusions violet tricolor (Viola tricolor), red clover and even nettle (Urtica dioica), this will help dry the skin.

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