Eczema is an inflammation of the surface layers of the skin nerve - an allergic nature, arising in response to external or internal stimuli. Eczema is characterized by polymorphic (various), rash, itching, and long-term relapsing.Eczema - Causes of
The etiology of eczema is unknown.The development of eczema help stress, pathology of the digestive system, changes in the endocrine glands, diseases of neuro-immune system, metabolic disorders, resulting in eczema allergic inflammatory formed a skin reaction.
Eczema occurs at any age, anywhere on the skin - usually on the face and extremities.
Eczema runs real hot, subacute, chronic. Acute eczema is characterized by the presence of erythema with multiple vesicles are formed at the opening of erosion with copious weeping, the formation of crusts and scales. Eczema is accompanied by itching and burning.
Eczema is caused by microbial sensitization to microbe. Microbial eczema is characterized by an asymmetrical arrangement of the lesions.
Eczema is associated with seborrheic seborrhoea. Seborrheic dermatitis is localized on the scalp (dandruff, seborrhea), behind the ears, chest, between the shoulder blades.
Eczema professional develops under the influence of chemical stimuli. Occupational eczema has symptoms similar to true.Eczema - Treatment
Treatment of eczema comes to identifying and removing irritants, treatment of opportunistic diseases. In the treatment of eczema patients must comply with hypoallergenic diet. In the treatment of eczema used hiposensibilic means, antihistamines, sedatiki, tranquilizers. In the course of persistent eczema used hormone therapy, physiotherapy, spa treatment.
Eczema - Prevention
In the prevention of eczema should be given a significant role early removal of allergens, treatment of seborrhea, dermatitis. To prevent the development of professional eczema avoid contact with chemical irritants.
Forecast eczema
The forecast of the true eczema is uncertain with respect to a complete cure. In other forms of eczema is more favorable prognosis.
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