How much would not talk about it, treat the disease itself and not the causes of diseases.
Doctors continue to treat it. Patients continue to be ill.
If a completely sterile room to put the body just a dead person, then a few days later he will get out of worms, which have nothing else to eat. Eerie sight.
You are probably surprised to learn that the reason many of our chronic diseases - the usual worms, that is, parasites, devouring us from within. Where a sudden you have worms or other rubbish?
They were. Parasites live in our bodies and we do not know it. In periods of ill health begin to multiply, causing diseases such as diabetes, bronchitis, prostatitis, uterine fibroids, infertility, eczema, psoriasis, hepatitis, etc. The favorable environment for multiplication of parasites - intoxicated organism.
Slagging reduces the vascular permeability of blood. There are cardiovascular disease. Slagging joints causes arthropathy.
Scientifically proven that 95% of known human pathology associated with disruption of the intestine. Undigested for 24-32-hour food rot, accumulate as the hardened deposits on the walls of the intestines. Toxins that accumulate in the diseased intestine of the circulatory system spread throughout the body and, more importantly, nourish the brain. Hence, low immunity, allergies, fatigue, rapid fatigue, headaches, impaired weight gain.
Treatment of the body is intoxicated sometimes does not bring any results.
In applying the method of fasting is more delicate cleansing at the cellular level. Purifies the blood and helps blood vessels to stay clean. Replaced, upgraded the cell body during prolonged starvation is replaced by the entire skin. The skin is clean, there is a rejuvenation of the body.
During fasting the body eats not only fat but also proteins, which he draws in the tissues of less importance to him of. And it is "eaten" in the first weakened, pathogens, tissue changes, as well as existing in the body of the tumor, edema, adhesions, etc. Treatment of domestic hunger called "Operation without a knife." Simultaneously with the purification of body and anti-parasitic Rehabilitation Center program "Belovodye" carries a large range of treatments and daily sightseeing tours to unique places of Gorny Altai. Chief Physician "Belovodye" Woodward AG For more than 10 years, specializing in natural therapies, has more than 10 specializations in Oriental medicine, therapeutic fasting, etc. The main principle of "Belovodye" - the restoration of health. So called center of regenerative treatment "Belovodye."
Eczema and its shape. Eczema - an infectious-allergic disease, occurring as a result of external and internal factors. In the development of the disease play a leading role neurological disorders, immune and hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, hereditary factor.Eczema symptoms:
The disease is characterized by rash, accompanied by itching. For severe eczema is characterized by redness, swelling lesions, the appearance of bubbles, cracks, crusts, erosions, pustules. For eczema is characterized by symmetrical lesions and foci of blurred boundaries. By periods of eczema is divided into acute, subacute and chronic.
This is a very interesting post on the topic of eczema. This could be very useful as well for anyone out there suffering from this awful disease, in particular, dyshidrotic eczema:
It has pics of the recovery as well.