Eczema - non-infectious inflammatory skin disease, occurring with itching, weeping, scaling, cracks and other symptoms. Lesions tend to be symmetrical, the absence of sharp boundaries. The reason for the appearance of eczema can be a variety of factors (physical, chemical, biological), but almost always there is an allergic component. Allergic condition organism develops gradually under the influence of external and internal factors in the development of eczema often plays a major role hypersensitivity to certain allergens. Equally important is a genetic predisposition. A number of patients a significant pathogenetic role can human liver, gastrointestinal tract and other diseases occur at any age.
Recipes of traditional medicineused for eczema:
1. Freshly prepared potato juice is recommended as an anti-inflammatory and therapeutic tool in acute dermatitis that developed after the "treatment" of X-rays, to treat burns, eczema and trophic ulcers.Juicing and the use of potatoes washed, peeled and triturated through a fine grater. The resulting creamy mass is placed upon the folded in several layers of gauze thickness of 0.5-1 cm and fixed with a bandage to the affected skin. After 1.5-2 hours, carefully remove the potato mixture with a spatula and replaced with a new one. At night this place impose a 10%-ing propolisnuyu ointment.
2. Young (adhesive) walnut leaves as a tincture is used externally for dermatitis, lupus, eczema and other diseases.Infusion: 1-2 tbsp. spoon leaves insist 1-2 hours in a beaker of boiling water and used for poultices.
3. Fruits of caraway ordinary in the form of infusion or tincture is used externally in acute inflammatory skin diseases: acute dermatitis, burns, eczema, etc.Infusion: 2 hours, chopped fruit insist 2 hours in a beaker of boiling water and in the form of heat is used for irrigation, and lotions.Tincture: 10-20% probability at 40 deg. alcohol use, as well as infusion.
4. Violet tricolor herb in a tincture is taken orally and used topically as a blood-purifying agent for skin diseases (dermatitis, scrofula, king's evil, chronic eczema, etc.).Infusion: 3 tbsp. tablespoons herb insist 1-2 hours in 0.5 liter of boiling water, filtered, and drink a glass of warm 2/3-1 infusion 3-5 times daily before meals. Outwardly the same infusion made gadgets.
5. Flowering pot bodyaka field (weed pink) in the form of 20-30% strength infusions of 40 deg. alcohol use for lotions for skin ulcers, herpes and eczema.
6. Shredded cabbage garden boil for 5 minutes in milk, mixed with bran 2:2:1, insisting 1:00 and applied to the affected skin weeping eczema.
7. Net tar - 1 part sulfur powder, yellow - 1 part copper sulphate - Part 1 burn through the fire, until a white powder. All mixed thoroughly and simmer, stirring for 5 minutes. In the absence of tar used in the same proportion or goose fat, etc.. This ointment smeared the affected skin with wolf lichen, eczema and other skin diseases.
8. Ash aspen pine mixed by heating lard 1:2 and used as an ointment for eczema.
9. Pumpkin pulp Svezheperetertoy dining obkladyvayut inflamed skin rashes when, eczema, burns and other ailments. The result is good.
10. Juice of walnut hulls, 10% for propolis tincture, paste of garlic svezheperetertogo seed, apple cider vinegar - equally. All mixed thoroughly and rub the mixture affected with eczema, ringworm of the body parts.
Eczema Cures and Treatments
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Eczema Disease
Chronic inflammatory disease of the superficial layers of the skin neuro-allergic nature, characterized by a polymorphous rash, a tendency to soak and persistent currents.The etiology and pathogenesis. E. When disturbed reactivity, observed in patients with severe skin reaction to the usual effects do not cause others no change. At the heart of eczematous process is the increased sensitivity (sensitization) of the skin to various exogenous and endogenous stimuli. Pathogenesis of E. is very similar to the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, which often precedes E. In contrast to the sensitization of atopic dermatitis at the main forms of E. is polyvalent. Allergic theory is confirmed by E. allergy and immunological studies (presence of sensitization to different allergens, changes in functional activity of immune cells, increase the blood levels of circulating immune complexes and some immunoglobulins). Professional development is due to sensitization to E. allergen production, microbial - to piokokkam. In the most common species, E. true - play the main role, apparently, autoimmune disorders (autosensibilization processes, autoallergii). Of great importance in the development of eczematous process have neurogenic factors (trauma, nervous stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia), endocrinopathy (diabetes, hyperthyroidism), as well as diseases such as gastritis, colitis, holetsistopankreatit. Often plays a decisive role of genetic predisposition to eczema reactions. Permanent risk factors for E. exogenous stimuli, particularly the chemical nature.The clinical picture. For E. characterized by an abundance of clinical forms and variants. In most cases the eczematous process proceeds in sequential stages. Thus, the initial (erythematous) stage is characterized by E. poured with no clear boundaries, itching redness of skin. In the second (papular) stage on a background of erythema observed swollen nodules or small lesion transformed into edematous plaques. With the continuing increase in swelling nodules are transformed into small bubbles, which is typical for the next - Vesicular stage of E. Under pressure from accumulating in the skin inflammatory exudate bubbles burst in their place there are small (point) of erosion, of which constantly follows serous fluid ("serous wells "). This condition is most typically E. and is the pinnacle of eczematous process, it is called weeping stage (formerly known as eczema - "weeping zoster"). From this stage is also connected the origin of the term "eczema" (analogous to boiling a liquid formed when the bursting bubbles). Shrivel on the surface of serous exudate forms a focal stratification crusts, which is typical for krustoznoy (korochkovoy) stage E. After the defection of crusts on the background of congestive erythema in a long time maintained a moderate flaking in small whitish flakes (squamous stage), then the skin takes a normal form. The described cycle of eczematous process lasts from several days to several months. For E. characterized polymorphism vysypnyh elements, ie simultaneously in the lesion focus represented different stages of the process. The stage is determined by the number of elements vysypnyh a certain type.In the old primary lesion prior to 2 months. E. is acute, for it typically soak condition (Fig. 1). In the case of prolonged duration (from 2 to 6 months.), When the swelling and less pronounced Moisture, talk about basic forms of subacute E. E. biased toward long-term persistent recurrent course in the form of successive periods of relapse and remitting process, which is characterized by chronic, E. In all forms of E. there is itching.The main clinical forms of E. is a true professional, microbial and seborrheic.True eczema (Fig. 2) occurs most frequently. It is characterized by persistent undulating course, a succession of eczematous process, uncertainty about the etiological factors, polyvalent sensitization, polymorphism vysypnyh elements, the symmetry of their arrangement, the localization of lesions anywhere on the body (mostly on the back of the hands, feet) and the prevalence of lesions, resistance to therapy, tendency to frequent recurrence. Often there a genetic predisposition,For the true E., which is localized in the skin of palms and soles, which differs considerable thickness of the epidermis, usually characterized by small inflammatory foci color, large and dense to the touch the bubbles, sometimes merging into a multi-chambered bladders - disgidroticheskaya E. (Fig. 3).Professional (contact) eczema is different monovalent sensitization and easily identifiable etiological factor. There is only exacerbated and exposed the production of allergen that caused it. Usually limited, localized to areas of the body that are available for contact with a professional allergen (eg, hands, forearms, face, neck). E. Professional differs favorable course, and quickly regresses not recur after removal of contact with the allergen caused the cross. Diagnosis is confirmed by skin test with allergen production. Aggravation of the true E. influenced by occupational exposures do not give grounds to consider it an occupational disease, because it may develop from exposure to many other factors, and often for no apparent reason.Microbial eczema is usually due to skin sensitization pyococcus flora. It is characterized by asymmetric localization during acute, confinement to homes pyoderma, fistulas and ulcers, and copious purulent pustulizatsiya crust, often rounded shape and sharp edges of the lesions (Fig. 4).Seborrheic dermatitis is observed on the background of seborrhea, the process begins with the scalp (Fig. 5a), then goes to the person's back (Fig. 5b), the chest area. For this form of E. characterized by the absence of express soak, fuzzy borders homes, layering fat scales, constant itching of the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis may be complicated by pyoderma in the form of folliculitis, boils, impetigo. This is facilitated by numerous scratches during paroxysmal severe itching.Diagnosis is established on the basis of characteristic clinical picture. With the localization of E. on the palms and soles differential diagnosis with Rubromikozom, athlete's foot (Athlete's foot), investigating the scales from the lesions on pathogenic fungi. The diagnosis of occupational E. is dominated by an allergic skin tests.Treatment in most cases is a difficult problem, because each patient has its own set of etiologic and pathogenetic factors, no correction can not reasonably count on a full therapeutic effect. Treatment of generalized and weeping lesions advisable to carry out a dermatological clinic. It depends on the clinical form and stage of disease. In all cases, especially in the stages of vesiculation and soak, strict adherence to medical treatment, providing maximum obereganie skin from external irritants and may not wash (if necessary, the skin is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil), laundry, cleaning with detergents and the use of synthetic underwear and woolen fabrics. To prevent complications of pustular should briefly cut your nails and lubricate okolonogtevogo fold aqueous brilliant green. We recommend frequent change of underwear and bed linen, periodic kvartsevanie premises. As the process of remitting mode softens, but the patient always should avoid rough washing the skin, allowed to warm bath (the first time without soap), the skin is dried with blotting motion, a towel should be soft. Even after a cure is not recommended to use cold-hardening or a cold shower followed by rubbing a rough towel.Must strictly observe the hypoallergenic diet during the period of active clinical manifestations, and within six months after the treatment. Prohibited sharp, smoked and salted products, alcoholic beverages, canned foods, citrus fruits, honey, coffee, chocolate, spices, aromatic herbs, limit sweets. Useful fasting days and short-term fasting.We recommend correction of comorbidities, especially those that cause particularly acute and persistent over E. given patient. With professional eczema after appropriate expert advice should be new jobs patient.General treatment in the acute stage of E. provides for the appointment of antihistamines, sedatives (valerian extract, bromides, etc.), antiholinergetikov (eg Bellataminal), tranquilizers, calcium supplements, ascorbic acid, with strong swelling - diuretics (furosemide or gipotiazid morning veroshpiron 3-4 times a day). With generalized lesions, persistent throughout, along with the above means the absence of contraindications prescribed glucocorticoids in moderate doses, followed by their gradual withdrawal after reaching the full therapeutic effect. In chronic E. helpful to repeat courses of acupuncture.Local treatment depends on the stage eczematous process. Under cold soak apply lotions of binders and disinfecting solutions (2% boric acid solution, furatsilin 1:5000, 1:2000 ethacridine lactate, liquid Boorowa - 1 teaspoon per cup of water, 0.25% silver nitrate solution, chilled chamomile extracts , succession, Sage). Lotions for use layers of cheesecloth (at least 16) or cloth (not less than 8), changing as warming up (usually within minutes). Lotions may be replaced by wet-drying bandage, which change as drying. Skin lesions around cuticles soak zinc paste. After the cessation of foci soak 1-2 times a day smeared paste (2% boron-naphthalane, 2% dermatolo-ihtiolovaya, 2% boron-tar, etc.) and cover a light gauze bandage. After the disappearance of swelling and redness of the active use of ointment with a reducing means in increasing concentrations (2-5% dermatolovaya, 2-10 °, Naftalan, 2-5% of Tar). In severe infiltration into the lesions under occlusive ointment applied bandages (use compress paper or plastic wrap). Treatment ointment is useful to complement the warm or hot baths with the addition of a succession of extracts and chamomile. At any stage of the eczematous process can be used corticosteroid sprays (polkortolon, oksikort) or ointment (prednizolonovaya, deperzolon, flutsinar, ftorokort, Lorinden C, etc.).Feature of the microbial treatment of eczema is the use of local disinfectants, and, if necessary, and antibiotics by mouth (preferably erythromycin). When seborrheic dermatitis are used in addition vitamins A, E, B6, F; in medicines for external use include sulfur preparations (ointment sulfodekort). Beyond the period of exacerbation rendered spa and mud baths at resorts (Pyatigorsk, Matsesta, Kemer, naphthalene, Saki and others).Prognosis in most cases is good.Prevention. Primary prevention is the selection of professional persons with a family history of eczematous reactions (contra operation in chemical plants, factories and laboratories). Secondary prevention involves the appropriate placement of patients and their medical check-up by a dermatologist.Baby eczema is seen in children are usually in the background of the manifestations of exudative diathesis. For its development are important genetic predisposition to allergic reactions, chronic foci of infection (eg tonsillitis), disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver dysfunction, pancreatic cancer. Affected children, E., identified a number of allergic reactions to food (honey, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, sweets).The disease usually develops in the first year of life (often with the transfer of the child to breastfeed). Affected skin of the face, scalp, buttocks and extensor surface of the lower leg, dorsum of the hands, forearms. Against the background of erythema appears abundant papular vesicular rash-, and after opening the vesicles are still many weeping mikroerozy. Last subsequently covered by crusts, scales (Fig. 6). In the clinical picture of the child can distinguish E. same shape as that of E. adults (Fig. 7), but at the same sick child often signs of various forms of eczema.Children may be complicated by secondary E. pyococcus (impetiginoznaya E.) or viral (herpes simplex E.) infection. When impetigo-noznoy E. lesions appear to conflicts - such as flat pustules with purulent blisters content shrivel in the peels. In herpetic lesions in E. against the fever blisters appear grouped with the attack in the central part, in their place are produced areas of necrosis, leaving small scars (as with chickenpox). The process is accompanied by fever (up to 39 °), changes in the blood (leukocytosis, increased ESR). In severe cases (especially in younger children), the process may be complicated by meningitis, and sepsis.When treating children, E. attaches great importance to food correction (limited carbohydrate and fat load, the exclusion of extractive dishes, including meat broths, spicy pickled, as well as citrus fruits, mushrooms). It is recommended milk-vegetable diet. Inside nominated antihistamines, sedatives, vitamins (especially A, C, B2, B6, B5), calcium supplements, enzymes, normalizing the activities of the digestive system, externally - lotion with infusions of tea, chamomile, succession, softening creams, Naftalan, tar paste ASD (III group) and others Corticosteroid creams are recommended for acutely occurring processes in breeding with a nourishing cream, baby cream, etc. (from 1:10 to 1:2, depending on the child's age). Broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiviral drugs used in children and complications of secondary infection. In exacerbations of E. should refrain from vaccination.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Types of Eczema
Atopic dermatitis - the most common type of eczema, and the two terms are often used as synonyms. There are many kinds of specific forms of eczema-like in its symptoms to atopic dermatitis. They are listed and briefly described below.
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis - a chronic skin disease characterized by itching and skin inflammation. It is believed that this disease is caused by abnormal functioning of the immune system. It then starts, then stops, depending on the influence of stimuli, and risk factors. Being the most common form of eczema, atopic dermatitis affects about 10% of children and 3% of adults in the U.S.. If the disease begins in childhood, it is sometimes called infant eczema. Atopic dermatitis is inherited, so people who suffer from this problem often have relatives with allergic diseases such as asthma or hay fever.
Contact eczema
Contact eczema (contact dermatitis) - this is a localized skin reaction, including redness, itching and burning that comes in contact with the allergen (substance causing the reaction) or an irritant such as acid, detergent or chemicals. The emergence of contact eczema may be associated with exposure to the skin detergent, nickel (present in jewelry) products cosmetics, textiles, clothing and perfume. Sometimes the disease is called allergic contact eczema (allergic contact dermatitis). The responses of the skin on sumac poison sumac roots and are also examples of allergic contact eczema. People often suffer from allergies, are at risk of contact eczema.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic eczema (seborrheal dermatitis) - a form of skin inflammation that occurs for unknown reasons. Signs and symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are yellowish, oily and scaly patches appearing on the scalp, face and sometimes on other parts of the body. Dandruff in children and flaking of the scalp in the newborn are also examples of seborrheic dermatitis. This disease is not necessarily associated with itching. It is often hereditary. Emotional stress, oily skin, shampooing and erratic weather conditions could increase the risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis.
Coin eczema
Coin eczema (coin-dermatitis) is characterized by plaques of irritated skin form of coal, often localized on the hands, back, buttocks and lower legs. They can be covered with crusts, peeling and itching badly. This form of eczema occurs relatively infrequently, mostly in the elderly. Coin-eczema - a chronic disease. The presence of atopic dermatitis, asthma or allergies in humans or their relatives increases the risk of eczema Coin.
Atopic dermatitis or lichen simple chronic - is a long skin inflammation, which begins with a localized itch (caused, for example, insect bite) and then followed by intense scratching the affected skin. Most often, atopic dermatitis affects women aged 20-50 years. This form of eczema appears as scaly patches on the scalp, lower legs, wrists and forearms. Over time, affected skin can become thicker. Stressful situations can worsen the symptoms of neurodermatitis.
Congestive dermatitis
Congestive dermatitis - skin irritation that affects the lower legs. It is often associated with circulatory problems, known as venous insufficiency, in which deteriorating functioning venous valves. Congestive dermatitis usually occurs in middle and old age. Approximately 6-7% of the population who have reached 50 years of strikes by the disease. The risk of developing congestive dermatitis increases depending on the person's age. Its symptoms include itching and / or red-brown discoloration of the skin on one or both legs. The progression of the disease can cause blistering, oozing skin lesions that accompany other forms of eczema, as well as the appearance of ulcers on the exposed area of skin. Chronic problems with blood circulation provoke increased swelling feet. Congestive dermatitis is also called varicose eczema.
Disgidroticheskaya eczema
Disgidroticheskaya eczema (dermatitis disgidrotichesky) - this is irritation of the skin of palms and soles, characterized by deep blisters filled with clear liquid, which provoke itching and burning. The cause of eczema is unknown disgidroticheskoy. This disease is also known as vesicular palmoplantar dermatitis, or chiropompholyx vodyanitsa. This form of eczema occurs in approximately 20% of the people most often in spring and summer months and in warm climates. Both men and women of all ages are equally susceptible to this disease.
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis - a chronic skin disease characterized by itching and skin inflammation. It is believed that this disease is caused by abnormal functioning of the immune system. It then starts, then stops, depending on the influence of stimuli, and risk factors. Being the most common form of eczema, atopic dermatitis affects about 10% of children and 3% of adults in the U.S.. If the disease begins in childhood, it is sometimes called infant eczema. Atopic dermatitis is inherited, so people who suffer from this problem often have relatives with allergic diseases such as asthma or hay fever.
Contact eczema
Contact eczema (contact dermatitis) - this is a localized skin reaction, including redness, itching and burning that comes in contact with the allergen (substance causing the reaction) or an irritant such as acid, detergent or chemicals. The emergence of contact eczema may be associated with exposure to the skin detergent, nickel (present in jewelry) products cosmetics, textiles, clothing and perfume. Sometimes the disease is called allergic contact eczema (allergic contact dermatitis). The responses of the skin on sumac poison sumac roots and are also examples of allergic contact eczema. People often suffer from allergies, are at risk of contact eczema.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic eczema (seborrheal dermatitis) - a form of skin inflammation that occurs for unknown reasons. Signs and symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are yellowish, oily and scaly patches appearing on the scalp, face and sometimes on other parts of the body. Dandruff in children and flaking of the scalp in the newborn are also examples of seborrheic dermatitis. This disease is not necessarily associated with itching. It is often hereditary. Emotional stress, oily skin, shampooing and erratic weather conditions could increase the risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis.
Coin eczema
Coin eczema (coin-dermatitis) is characterized by plaques of irritated skin form of coal, often localized on the hands, back, buttocks and lower legs. They can be covered with crusts, peeling and itching badly. This form of eczema occurs relatively infrequently, mostly in the elderly. Coin-eczema - a chronic disease. The presence of atopic dermatitis, asthma or allergies in humans or their relatives increases the risk of eczema Coin.
Atopic dermatitis or lichen simple chronic - is a long skin inflammation, which begins with a localized itch (caused, for example, insect bite) and then followed by intense scratching the affected skin. Most often, atopic dermatitis affects women aged 20-50 years. This form of eczema appears as scaly patches on the scalp, lower legs, wrists and forearms. Over time, affected skin can become thicker. Stressful situations can worsen the symptoms of neurodermatitis.
Congestive dermatitis
Congestive dermatitis - skin irritation that affects the lower legs. It is often associated with circulatory problems, known as venous insufficiency, in which deteriorating functioning venous valves. Congestive dermatitis usually occurs in middle and old age. Approximately 6-7% of the population who have reached 50 years of strikes by the disease. The risk of developing congestive dermatitis increases depending on the person's age. Its symptoms include itching and / or red-brown discoloration of the skin on one or both legs. The progression of the disease can cause blistering, oozing skin lesions that accompany other forms of eczema, as well as the appearance of ulcers on the exposed area of skin. Chronic problems with blood circulation provoke increased swelling feet. Congestive dermatitis is also called varicose eczema.
Disgidroticheskaya eczema
Disgidroticheskaya eczema (dermatitis disgidrotichesky) - this is irritation of the skin of palms and soles, characterized by deep blisters filled with clear liquid, which provoke itching and burning. The cause of eczema is unknown disgidroticheskoy. This disease is also known as vesicular palmoplantar dermatitis, or chiropompholyx vodyanitsa. This form of eczema occurs in approximately 20% of the people most often in spring and summer months and in warm climates. Both men and women of all ages are equally susceptible to this disease.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Recepies for Eczema
Eczema is known to the masses of the population as an allergic inflammatory disease of the skin,
which is a diverse genus and species rash that causes itching and burning. Given a certain set of factors rash can recur to such external factors include, such as chemical, thermal, mechanical stress, as well as internal - different kinds of kidney, liver, stomach, nervous system and endocrine system.
Distinguish real, microbial, seborrheic and professional ekzemu.U some patients eczematous process can be generalized, others - local, the lesions may be symmetrical and characterized by severe itching.
Symptoms of Eczema Eczema can manifest itself in different forms, depending on the causes, localization and form (rash) rash. The most common form of eczema is called true and is characterized by sudden acute onset of a variety of places of the skin, and sometimes defeat the nails.Treatment of eczema
Treat patients with eczema through internal methods of water extracts of wild plants, affecting both the stomach and intestinal tract, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, spleen, etc. It is noticed that in some cases listed by us of (and sometimes endocrine glands) especially (but not separately) suffers any one. Careful study of a patient, you can always set the underlying disease as a cause for eczema. Therefore, when preparing a mixture of herbs that enhance the metabolism, you must direct all our efforts and the treatment of eczema, causing a disease.
Treating eczematous patient is very difficult, although the author observed cure eczema by taking only valerian drops of attachment crumb and pumpkin from the use of inside and externally strawberries.
The treatment period is often prolonged, and in the first 2-3 weeks may not be noticed marked improvement.
Traditional medicine 1. Freshly prepared potato juice is recommended as an anti-inflammatory and therapeutic tool in acute dermatitis that developed after the "treatment" of X-rays, to treat burns, eczema and trophic ulcers.Juicing and the use of potatoes washed, peeled and triturated through a fine grater. The resulting creamy mass is placed upon the folded in several layers of gauze thickness of 0.5-1 cm and fixed with a bandage to the affected skin. After 1.5-2 hours, carefully remove the potato mixture with a spatula and replaced with a new one. At night this place impose a 10%-ing propolisnuyu ointment.
2. Young (adhesive) walnut leaves as a tincture is used externally for dermatitis, lupus, eczema and other diseases.Infusion: 1-2 tbsp. spoon leaves insist 1-2 hours in a beaker of boiling water and used for poultices.
3. Fruits of caraway ordinary in the form of infusion or tincture is used externally in acute inflammatory skin diseases: acute dermatitis, burns, eczema, etc.Infusion: 2 hours, chopped fruit insist 2 hours in a beaker of boiling water and in the form of heat is used for irrigation, and lotions.Tincture: 10-20% probability at 40 deg. alcohol use, as well as infusion.
4. Violet tricolor herb in a tincture is taken orally and used topically as a blood-purifying agent for skin diseases (dermatitis, scrofula, king's evil, chronic eczema, etc.).Infusion: 3 tbsp. tablespoons herb insist 1-2 hours in 0.5 liter of boiling water, filtered, and drink a glass of warm 2/3-1 infusion 3-5 times daily before meals. Outwardly the same infusion made gadgets.
5. Flowering pot bodyaka field (weed pink) in the form of 20-30% strength infusions of 40 deg. alcohol use for lotions for skin ulcers, herpes and eczema.
6. Shredded cabbage garden boil for 5 minutes in milk, mixed with bran 2:2:1, insisting 1:00 and applied to the affected skin weeping eczema.
7. Net tar - 1 part sulfur powder, yellow - 1 part copper sulphate - Part 1 burn through the fire, until a white powder. All mixed thoroughly and simmer, stirring for 5 minutes. In the absence of tar used in the same proportion or goose fat, etc.. This ointment smeared the affected skin with wolf lichen, eczema and other skin diseases.
8. Ash aspen pine mixed by heating lard 1:2 and used as an ointment for eczema.
9. Pumpkin pulp Svezheperetertoy dining obkladyvayut inflamed skin rashes when, eczema, burns and other ailments. The result is good.
Diet. Diet should be planned so that the body receives the necessary materials, but not irritated damaged skin with eczema. Therefore, food should help neutralize the acid constant in the stomach, to prevent excessive release of her so as not to cause mechanical and chemical irritation. It is necessary to comply with milk-vegetable diet, eliminating the sharp, salty, smoked food, chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, alcohol. Recommended raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, milk, cream, butter - rich in vitamins, natural, not processed food.
which is a diverse genus and species rash that causes itching and burning. Given a certain set of factors rash can recur to such external factors include, such as chemical, thermal, mechanical stress, as well as internal - different kinds of kidney, liver, stomach, nervous system and endocrine system.
Distinguish real, microbial, seborrheic and professional ekzemu.U some patients eczematous process can be generalized, others - local, the lesions may be symmetrical and characterized by severe itching.
Symptoms of Eczema Eczema can manifest itself in different forms, depending on the causes, localization and form (rash) rash. The most common form of eczema is called true and is characterized by sudden acute onset of a variety of places of the skin, and sometimes defeat the nails.Treatment of eczema
Treat patients with eczema through internal methods of water extracts of wild plants, affecting both the stomach and intestinal tract, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, spleen, etc. It is noticed that in some cases listed by us of (and sometimes endocrine glands) especially (but not separately) suffers any one. Careful study of a patient, you can always set the underlying disease as a cause for eczema. Therefore, when preparing a mixture of herbs that enhance the metabolism, you must direct all our efforts and the treatment of eczema, causing a disease.
Treating eczematous patient is very difficult, although the author observed cure eczema by taking only valerian drops of attachment crumb and pumpkin from the use of inside and externally strawberries.
The treatment period is often prolonged, and in the first 2-3 weeks may not be noticed marked improvement.
Traditional medicine 1. Freshly prepared potato juice is recommended as an anti-inflammatory and therapeutic tool in acute dermatitis that developed after the "treatment" of X-rays, to treat burns, eczema and trophic ulcers.Juicing and the use of potatoes washed, peeled and triturated through a fine grater. The resulting creamy mass is placed upon the folded in several layers of gauze thickness of 0.5-1 cm and fixed with a bandage to the affected skin. After 1.5-2 hours, carefully remove the potato mixture with a spatula and replaced with a new one. At night this place impose a 10%-ing propolisnuyu ointment.
2. Young (adhesive) walnut leaves as a tincture is used externally for dermatitis, lupus, eczema and other diseases.Infusion: 1-2 tbsp. spoon leaves insist 1-2 hours in a beaker of boiling water and used for poultices.
3. Fruits of caraway ordinary in the form of infusion or tincture is used externally in acute inflammatory skin diseases: acute dermatitis, burns, eczema, etc.Infusion: 2 hours, chopped fruit insist 2 hours in a beaker of boiling water and in the form of heat is used for irrigation, and lotions.Tincture: 10-20% probability at 40 deg. alcohol use, as well as infusion.
4. Violet tricolor herb in a tincture is taken orally and used topically as a blood-purifying agent for skin diseases (dermatitis, scrofula, king's evil, chronic eczema, etc.).Infusion: 3 tbsp. tablespoons herb insist 1-2 hours in 0.5 liter of boiling water, filtered, and drink a glass of warm 2/3-1 infusion 3-5 times daily before meals. Outwardly the same infusion made gadgets.
5. Flowering pot bodyaka field (weed pink) in the form of 20-30% strength infusions of 40 deg. alcohol use for lotions for skin ulcers, herpes and eczema.
6. Shredded cabbage garden boil for 5 minutes in milk, mixed with bran 2:2:1, insisting 1:00 and applied to the affected skin weeping eczema.
7. Net tar - 1 part sulfur powder, yellow - 1 part copper sulphate - Part 1 burn through the fire, until a white powder. All mixed thoroughly and simmer, stirring for 5 minutes. In the absence of tar used in the same proportion or goose fat, etc.. This ointment smeared the affected skin with wolf lichen, eczema and other skin diseases.
8. Ash aspen pine mixed by heating lard 1:2 and used as an ointment for eczema.
9. Pumpkin pulp Svezheperetertoy dining obkladyvayut inflamed skin rashes when, eczema, burns and other ailments. The result is good.
Diet. Diet should be planned so that the body receives the necessary materials, but not irritated damaged skin with eczema. Therefore, food should help neutralize the acid constant in the stomach, to prevent excessive release of her so as not to cause mechanical and chemical irritation. It is necessary to comply with milk-vegetable diet, eliminating the sharp, salty, smoked food, chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, alcohol. Recommended raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, milk, cream, butter - rich in vitamins, natural, not processed food.
Monday, July 18, 2011
RECOVERY PROGRAM skin diseases, eczema, allergic
This program is designed for 14-22 days and includes several phases: a preparatory phase (cleansing the liver, intestine), the stage of intensive rehabilitation (cleaning and sanitation of the skin, lymph cleansing, bowel disease) and follow-up care at home.
The preparatory phase is essential, because the vast majority suffering from skin diseases, there are problems with the liver and gall bladder (hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholestasis, etc.), and almost 99% had abnormalities of the bowel (constipation, diarrhea, goiter). Experience of leading fitness centers in Russia and abroad shows convincingly that the allergic treatment without preliminary purification is ineffective or no avail. Hormone therapy also provides short-term effect, has a mass of harmful side effects and leads to the inhibition and depletion of their own production of hormones in the body.
In our Center cleansing the liver is carried out on a unique methodology "HEPAR" from St. Petersburg with the use of 25 specially selected herbs. Purified liver restores its functions, leads to normal metabolism, eliminates toxins circulating in the blood. That is why people get rid of many diseases, tormented him for a long time. Cleaning the liver - an excellent curative and prophylactic treatment.
Large role in the mechanism of skin diseases including eczema and has state of the intestine. Scientifically proven that 95% of known pathology in humans is associated with disturbances in the gut. Some obese people can "carry" with up to 25 kg of feces (average 2-6 kg). Intoxicated intestine - the basis of a number of diseases. The food can not be fully digested in the gut and then rots. Toxins accumulate in the diseased intestine and through the circulatory system spread throughout the body, resulting in a general malaise, reduced efficiency, and headaches. Constipation, diarrhea, an unpleasant odor of sweat, gas, bloating, parasites, general weakness, respiratory failure, frequent colds, unhealthy skin (eczema) - all indications for bowel cleansing.
According to the ancient teachings of Chinese medicine, energy channels in the colon and lung (which control the state of the skin) are closely interdependent. In the pathology of the large intestine begins to suffer the channel of the lungs and leads to skin rashes, eczema.
Immediately after cleansing the liver, we conduct a complete cleansing of the colon on the unit kolonogidroterapii. In addition, intensive cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract occurs during fasting, when stopped the intake of food allergens, and held daily cleansing enemas.
After completion of the preparatory phase, the stage of intensive (due to the simultaneous application of fasting, fitoparosauny method and other procedures) amazing improvement in efficiency results are achieved by the combined effect on patient body natural and preformed therapeutic factors.
As a result of fasting is a destruction of the "weak" and "sick" cells, the active excretion of end products of metabolism and toxins, including metabolites of drugs and food allergens, strong stimulation of regenerative processes in the body, creating a physiological rest for the majority of organs and body systems.
Effect fitoparosauny (phyto barrels) is based on the use of copyright "skin" fees for parokontsentrata herbs and salves for external use, water and alcohol extracts for internal use. Parokontsentratom heating of the body (from neck to feet) contributes not only to cleanse the skin and complete the removal of toxins from the body, but the maximum absorption of therapeutic compounds. Immediately after fitoparosauny in the patient's skin rubbed specially selected herbal salves, herbal teas then adopted.
To eliminate the itching and inflammation removal of eczema used fitovanny, laser therapy.
During fasting a mass destruction of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria in the intestine, thus leaving the hunger for the activation of its own beneficial microflora is assigned a highly fermented beverage produced from simbiotika 'EM Kurung "(EM - Effective Microorganisms) and cow's milk. Thanks to the 94-x (!) Strains of lactobacilli, "EM-Kurung" neutralizes any defect in the gastrointestinal tract.
It is a known fact that many patients suffering from eczema, skin diseases, increased stress begins after the nerve, so in our center conducted workshops on mastering the techniques of anti-stress self-regulation.
Diagnostics for hardware-software complex "OBERON" allows you to find out the full range of comorbidity in the internal organs and sometimes the cause of the disease.
Step up care at home involves taking individually selected herbs to correct the primary and comorbidity, and "EM-Kurung" to restore the balance of intestinal microflora.
The preparatory phase is essential, because the vast majority suffering from skin diseases, there are problems with the liver and gall bladder (hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholestasis, etc.), and almost 99% had abnormalities of the bowel (constipation, diarrhea, goiter). Experience of leading fitness centers in Russia and abroad shows convincingly that the allergic treatment without preliminary purification is ineffective or no avail. Hormone therapy also provides short-term effect, has a mass of harmful side effects and leads to the inhibition and depletion of their own production of hormones in the body.
In our Center cleansing the liver is carried out on a unique methodology "HEPAR" from St. Petersburg with the use of 25 specially selected herbs. Purified liver restores its functions, leads to normal metabolism, eliminates toxins circulating in the blood. That is why people get rid of many diseases, tormented him for a long time. Cleaning the liver - an excellent curative and prophylactic treatment.
Large role in the mechanism of skin diseases including eczema and has state of the intestine. Scientifically proven that 95% of known pathology in humans is associated with disturbances in the gut. Some obese people can "carry" with up to 25 kg of feces (average 2-6 kg). Intoxicated intestine - the basis of a number of diseases. The food can not be fully digested in the gut and then rots. Toxins accumulate in the diseased intestine and through the circulatory system spread throughout the body, resulting in a general malaise, reduced efficiency, and headaches. Constipation, diarrhea, an unpleasant odor of sweat, gas, bloating, parasites, general weakness, respiratory failure, frequent colds, unhealthy skin (eczema) - all indications for bowel cleansing.
According to the ancient teachings of Chinese medicine, energy channels in the colon and lung (which control the state of the skin) are closely interdependent. In the pathology of the large intestine begins to suffer the channel of the lungs and leads to skin rashes, eczema.
Immediately after cleansing the liver, we conduct a complete cleansing of the colon on the unit kolonogidroterapii. In addition, intensive cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract occurs during fasting, when stopped the intake of food allergens, and held daily cleansing enemas.
After completion of the preparatory phase, the stage of intensive (due to the simultaneous application of fasting, fitoparosauny method and other procedures) amazing improvement in efficiency results are achieved by the combined effect on patient body natural and preformed therapeutic factors.
As a result of fasting is a destruction of the "weak" and "sick" cells, the active excretion of end products of metabolism and toxins, including metabolites of drugs and food allergens, strong stimulation of regenerative processes in the body, creating a physiological rest for the majority of organs and body systems.
Effect fitoparosauny (phyto barrels) is based on the use of copyright "skin" fees for parokontsentrata herbs and salves for external use, water and alcohol extracts for internal use. Parokontsentratom heating of the body (from neck to feet) contributes not only to cleanse the skin and complete the removal of toxins from the body, but the maximum absorption of therapeutic compounds. Immediately after fitoparosauny in the patient's skin rubbed specially selected herbal salves, herbal teas then adopted.
To eliminate the itching and inflammation removal of eczema used fitovanny, laser therapy.
During fasting a mass destruction of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria in the intestine, thus leaving the hunger for the activation of its own beneficial microflora is assigned a highly fermented beverage produced from simbiotika 'EM Kurung "(EM - Effective Microorganisms) and cow's milk. Thanks to the 94-x (!) Strains of lactobacilli, "EM-Kurung" neutralizes any defect in the gastrointestinal tract.
It is a known fact that many patients suffering from eczema, skin diseases, increased stress begins after the nerve, so in our center conducted workshops on mastering the techniques of anti-stress self-regulation.
Diagnostics for hardware-software complex "OBERON" allows you to find out the full range of comorbidity in the internal organs and sometimes the cause of the disease.
Step up care at home involves taking individually selected herbs to correct the primary and comorbidity, and "EM-Kurung" to restore the balance of intestinal microflora.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Eczema Natural Solutions
How much would not talk about it, treat the disease itself and not the causes of diseases.
Doctors continue to treat it. Patients continue to be ill.
If a completely sterile room to put the body just a dead person, then a few days later he will get out of worms, which have nothing else to eat. Eerie sight.
You are probably surprised to learn that the reason many of our chronic diseases - the usual worms, that is, parasites, devouring us from within. Where a sudden you have worms or other rubbish?
They were. Parasites live in our bodies and we do not know it. In periods of ill health begin to multiply, causing diseases such as diabetes, bronchitis, prostatitis, uterine fibroids, infertility, eczema, psoriasis, hepatitis, etc. The favorable environment for multiplication of parasites - intoxicated organism.
Slagging reduces the vascular permeability of blood. There are cardiovascular disease. Slagging joints causes arthropathy.
Scientifically proven that 95% of known human pathology associated with disruption of the intestine. Undigested for 24-32-hour food rot, accumulate as the hardened deposits on the walls of the intestines. Toxins that accumulate in the diseased intestine of the circulatory system spread throughout the body and, more importantly, nourish the brain. Hence, low immunity, allergies, fatigue, rapid fatigue, headaches, impaired weight gain.
Treatment of the body is intoxicated sometimes does not bring any results.
In applying the method of fasting is more delicate cleansing at the cellular level. Purifies the blood and helps blood vessels to stay clean. Replaced, upgraded the cell body during prolonged starvation is replaced by the entire skin. The skin is clean, there is a rejuvenation of the body.
During fasting the body eats not only fat but also proteins, which he draws in the tissues of less importance to him of. And it is "eaten" in the first weakened, pathogens, tissue changes, as well as existing in the body of the tumor, edema, adhesions, etc. Treatment of domestic hunger called "Operation without a knife." Simultaneously with the purification of body and anti-parasitic Rehabilitation Center program "Belovodye" carries a large range of treatments and daily sightseeing tours to unique places of Gorny Altai. Chief Physician "Belovodye" Woodward AG For more than 10 years, specializing in natural therapies, has more than 10 specializations in Oriental medicine, therapeutic fasting, etc. The main principle of "Belovodye" - the restoration of health. So called center of regenerative treatment "Belovodye."
Eczema and its shape. Eczema - an infectious-allergic disease, occurring as a result of external and internal factors. In the development of the disease play a leading role neurological disorders, immune and hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, hereditary factor.Eczema symptoms:
The disease is characterized by rash, accompanied by itching. For severe eczema is characterized by redness, swelling lesions, the appearance of bubbles, cracks, crusts, erosions, pustules. For eczema is characterized by symmetrical lesions and foci of blurred boundaries. By periods of eczema is divided into acute, subacute and chronic.
Doctors continue to treat it. Patients continue to be ill.
If a completely sterile room to put the body just a dead person, then a few days later he will get out of worms, which have nothing else to eat. Eerie sight.
You are probably surprised to learn that the reason many of our chronic diseases - the usual worms, that is, parasites, devouring us from within. Where a sudden you have worms or other rubbish?
They were. Parasites live in our bodies and we do not know it. In periods of ill health begin to multiply, causing diseases such as diabetes, bronchitis, prostatitis, uterine fibroids, infertility, eczema, psoriasis, hepatitis, etc. The favorable environment for multiplication of parasites - intoxicated organism.
Slagging reduces the vascular permeability of blood. There are cardiovascular disease. Slagging joints causes arthropathy.
Scientifically proven that 95% of known human pathology associated with disruption of the intestine. Undigested for 24-32-hour food rot, accumulate as the hardened deposits on the walls of the intestines. Toxins that accumulate in the diseased intestine of the circulatory system spread throughout the body and, more importantly, nourish the brain. Hence, low immunity, allergies, fatigue, rapid fatigue, headaches, impaired weight gain.
Treatment of the body is intoxicated sometimes does not bring any results.
In applying the method of fasting is more delicate cleansing at the cellular level. Purifies the blood and helps blood vessels to stay clean. Replaced, upgraded the cell body during prolonged starvation is replaced by the entire skin. The skin is clean, there is a rejuvenation of the body.
During fasting the body eats not only fat but also proteins, which he draws in the tissues of less importance to him of. And it is "eaten" in the first weakened, pathogens, tissue changes, as well as existing in the body of the tumor, edema, adhesions, etc. Treatment of domestic hunger called "Operation without a knife." Simultaneously with the purification of body and anti-parasitic Rehabilitation Center program "Belovodye" carries a large range of treatments and daily sightseeing tours to unique places of Gorny Altai. Chief Physician "Belovodye" Woodward AG For more than 10 years, specializing in natural therapies, has more than 10 specializations in Oriental medicine, therapeutic fasting, etc. The main principle of "Belovodye" - the restoration of health. So called center of regenerative treatment "Belovodye."
Eczema and its shape. Eczema - an infectious-allergic disease, occurring as a result of external and internal factors. In the development of the disease play a leading role neurological disorders, immune and hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, hereditary factor.Eczema symptoms:
The disease is characterized by rash, accompanied by itching. For severe eczema is characterized by redness, swelling lesions, the appearance of bubbles, cracks, crusts, erosions, pustules. For eczema is characterized by symmetrical lesions and foci of blurred boundaries. By periods of eczema is divided into acute, subacute and chronic.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Eczema Information
Eczema is an inflammation of the surface layers of the skin nerve - an allergic nature, arising in response to external or internal stimuli. Eczema is characterized by polymorphic (various), rash, itching, and long-term relapsing.Eczema - Causes of
The etiology of eczema is unknown.The development of eczema help stress, pathology of the digestive system, changes in the endocrine glands, diseases of neuro-immune system, metabolic disorders, resulting in eczema allergic inflammatory formed a skin reaction.
Eczema occurs at any age, anywhere on the skin - usually on the face and extremities.
Eczema runs real hot, subacute, chronic. Acute eczema is characterized by the presence of erythema with multiple vesicles are formed at the opening of erosion with copious weeping, the formation of crusts and scales. Eczema is accompanied by itching and burning.
Eczema is caused by microbial sensitization to microbe. Microbial eczema is characterized by an asymmetrical arrangement of the lesions.
Eczema is associated with seborrheic seborrhoea. Seborrheic dermatitis is localized on the scalp (dandruff, seborrhea), behind the ears, chest, between the shoulder blades.
Eczema professional develops under the influence of chemical stimuli. Occupational eczema has symptoms similar to true.Eczema - Treatment
Treatment of eczema comes to identifying and removing irritants, treatment of opportunistic diseases. In the treatment of eczema patients must comply with hypoallergenic diet. In the treatment of eczema used hiposensibilic means, antihistamines, sedatiki, tranquilizers. In the course of persistent eczema used hormone therapy, physiotherapy, spa treatment.
Eczema - Prevention
In the prevention of eczema should be given a significant role early removal of allergens, treatment of seborrhea, dermatitis. To prevent the development of professional eczema avoid contact with chemical irritants.
Forecast eczema
The forecast of the true eczema is uncertain with respect to a complete cure. In other forms of eczema is more favorable prognosis.
The etiology of eczema is unknown.The development of eczema help stress, pathology of the digestive system, changes in the endocrine glands, diseases of neuro-immune system, metabolic disorders, resulting in eczema allergic inflammatory formed a skin reaction.
Eczema occurs at any age, anywhere on the skin - usually on the face and extremities.
Eczema runs real hot, subacute, chronic. Acute eczema is characterized by the presence of erythema with multiple vesicles are formed at the opening of erosion with copious weeping, the formation of crusts and scales. Eczema is accompanied by itching and burning.
Eczema is caused by microbial sensitization to microbe. Microbial eczema is characterized by an asymmetrical arrangement of the lesions.
Eczema is associated with seborrheic seborrhoea. Seborrheic dermatitis is localized on the scalp (dandruff, seborrhea), behind the ears, chest, between the shoulder blades.
Eczema professional develops under the influence of chemical stimuli. Occupational eczema has symptoms similar to true.Eczema - Treatment
Treatment of eczema comes to identifying and removing irritants, treatment of opportunistic diseases. In the treatment of eczema patients must comply with hypoallergenic diet. In the treatment of eczema used hiposensibilic means, antihistamines, sedatiki, tranquilizers. In the course of persistent eczema used hormone therapy, physiotherapy, spa treatment.
Eczema - Prevention
In the prevention of eczema should be given a significant role early removal of allergens, treatment of seborrhea, dermatitis. To prevent the development of professional eczema avoid contact with chemical irritants.
Forecast eczema
The forecast of the true eczema is uncertain with respect to a complete cure. In other forms of eczema is more favorable prognosis.
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