Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eczema - Treatment of folk remedies

Eczema - a chronic skin disorder whose symptoms are itching, peeling, sores and more. The reason for appearance of the disease can be anything, but almost always accompanied by allergic eczema component.
Eczema can occur in people of all ages absolutely. Usually the disease is "pursuing" a person is a very long time. Patients with eczema suffer from this disease for years. Psoriasis that occur on the skin of man, then once again disappear.
Beginning treatment of any disease requires a thorough examination by medical personnel. The same thing should happen and the appointment of treatment in case of eczema. It should be noted that you consult a doctor must, even in cases when you want to use one of the recipes of traditional medicine. This is important because not all patients can receive the same drugs.
It is very important in the treatment of eczema to comply with the right diet.As for the popular recipes for treating the disease, they are set. Here are just some of the most popular.
The first recipe will be so. Take the root of buckthorn, chicory and dandelion leaves and watch the fruits of fennel. One tablespoon of herbs to pour 200 g of boiling water and boil for half an hour. After this infusion stand for one hour. Accepted by a half glass three times a day.
Widely used in the treatment of eczema, and following the infusion. For him you need a succession of grass and violets, the leaves of walnut, black currants and strawberries, flowers, yarrow, burdock root and chicory. One tablespoon of this mixture to pour a glass of boiled water and let stand for 30 minutes. Assumed to be the infusion of the fourth part of the cup up to six times per day before meals.
Also inside you can take in the treatment of eczema gathering sage leaves, grasses, sage, nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort, plantain, centaury, and horsetail, juniper fruit. Preparing this infusion as well as the previous one. Accepted half a glass 5 - 6 times per day before meals.
For topical treatment of eczema are often used fresh birch sap, grass rogoglavnika, rhizomes Elecampane, zhivuchka Geneva and many other medicinal plants. For example, rogoglavnik used in the form of attachment to the affected area with fresh herbs of this plant. From the rhizomes do Elecampane powder that is mixed with fresh lard and also spread over the sore spots. Elecampane rhizome is also used in decoction for bathing and washing the sore points.
In chronic eczema very well take therapeutic baths with medicinal plants. For example, the bath can be prepared from medicinal plants such as succession, chamomile, valerian dosage, sage, celandine, St. John's wort. All of these herbs should pour boiling water and infuse for one hour. The mixture is filtered and poured into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees mi. The patient can not take a bath more than 20 minutes. The course of treatment with therapeutic baths is approximately 10 - 15 baths. Yet to take therapeutic baths for eczema can be used bloodroot goose or upright, as well as forget-me field.
To treat eczema you can also resort to the poultice. Take the cooked cabbage leaves in the milk, mix it with bran, and use as a poultice for eczema. Another very good fit for this plate of fresh potatoes.
List the people's recipes eczema can be very long. Remember that all the folk remedies are indeed very effective. Consequently, they can actually save you from many of the symptoms of eczema practically forever.

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