Thursday, June 30, 2011

What is eczema?

If you are plagued by the suspicion that you are ill with eczema, then this article is for you. It will help you to understand in more detail in this disease. Well-known fact is that the skin is protective for all organs, muscles and bones of man. In addition, the skin is largely controls the temperature of the body. But despite the many positive features of the skin, it is highly susceptible to the effects of various external factors. Quite often, even just using a new soap can bring a person's skin enough troubles, among which is, and eczema.
Eczema - a recurrent inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, carrying a chronic character. Eczema occurs quite often - about 30 - 40 percent of people with skin diseases suffer from this eczema.
Reasons why a person may have a lot of eczema. And among them you can not select any one - home. Eczema is a result of the impact on the human body as neyroallergicheskih and endocrine factors, and exchange, and external. The most important among them are genetic predisposition to disease, immune system disorders, hormonal disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, as well as athlete's foot.
Studies have proven that the development of eczema is largely influenced by soul and the human condition. Various stresses and shocks the nerve may also lead to the development of eczema. If a person already has eczema and he was subjected to a stressful situation, then he is able to draw blood to comb the affected skin.
In children, eczema is a result of exudative diathesis or other skin diseases. It is very important in the appearance of eczema and occupational factors play. For example, occupational eczema is most often characterized by people who work in steel mills, chemical, pharmaceutical and food companies. It should be noted that the reaction to some substance production appears not once. Eczema makes itself felt in a certain period of time.
The symptoms of this disease are numerous vesicles, which appear on the skin are opened, and after their opening in the skin formed serous "wells". Over time, the bubbles are formed on the ground cover or oozing inflammation. Inherent in the manifestation of eczema is intense itching.
There are several types of eczema - a true, microbial, children, seborrheic eczema and professional. With regard to the true eczema, it begins with erythema. The patient appears flushed skin, which has no obvious boundaries. These lesions affect the skin of hands and feet, torso and so on.
Microbial eczema is the result of an infectious disease. Most often, eczema appears in such cases, people with weakened immune systems. Microbial eczema appears as a well-defined scaly patches on the skin covered with crusts.
If we talk about children's eczema is its beginning can say rash on the face and scalp of the child. Over time, these lesions spread to other parts of the body. Also, the rash can show up in the gluteal and inguinal-femoral folds.
Seborrheic dermatitis develops on the face, scalp, behind the ears, chest, between the shoulder blades. Simply put, in those areas of skin that are rich in sebaceous glands. This form of eczema characterized by the presence of other fatty yellowish scales.
Occupational eczema cover exposed skin, which are constantly exposed to various harmful substances. This type of eczema can haunt you for as long as you practically will not change his race career.
Eczema - a disease rather unpredictable. That's why not let it slide. Give him his due attention, so you do not suffer from it for life.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eczema - Treatment of folk remedies

Eczema - a chronic skin disorder whose symptoms are itching, peeling, sores and more. The reason for appearance of the disease can be anything, but almost always accompanied by allergic eczema component.
Eczema can occur in people of all ages absolutely. Usually the disease is "pursuing" a person is a very long time. Patients with eczema suffer from this disease for years. Psoriasis that occur on the skin of man, then once again disappear.
Beginning treatment of any disease requires a thorough examination by medical personnel. The same thing should happen and the appointment of treatment in case of eczema. It should be noted that you consult a doctor must, even in cases when you want to use one of the recipes of traditional medicine. This is important because not all patients can receive the same drugs.
It is very important in the treatment of eczema to comply with the right diet.As for the popular recipes for treating the disease, they are set. Here are just some of the most popular.
The first recipe will be so. Take the root of buckthorn, chicory and dandelion leaves and watch the fruits of fennel. One tablespoon of herbs to pour 200 g of boiling water and boil for half an hour. After this infusion stand for one hour. Accepted by a half glass three times a day.
Widely used in the treatment of eczema, and following the infusion. For him you need a succession of grass and violets, the leaves of walnut, black currants and strawberries, flowers, yarrow, burdock root and chicory. One tablespoon of this mixture to pour a glass of boiled water and let stand for 30 minutes. Assumed to be the infusion of the fourth part of the cup up to six times per day before meals.
Also inside you can take in the treatment of eczema gathering sage leaves, grasses, sage, nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort, plantain, centaury, and horsetail, juniper fruit. Preparing this infusion as well as the previous one. Accepted half a glass 5 - 6 times per day before meals.
For topical treatment of eczema are often used fresh birch sap, grass rogoglavnika, rhizomes Elecampane, zhivuchka Geneva and many other medicinal plants. For example, rogoglavnik used in the form of attachment to the affected area with fresh herbs of this plant. From the rhizomes do Elecampane powder that is mixed with fresh lard and also spread over the sore spots. Elecampane rhizome is also used in decoction for bathing and washing the sore points.
In chronic eczema very well take therapeutic baths with medicinal plants. For example, the bath can be prepared from medicinal plants such as succession, chamomile, valerian dosage, sage, celandine, St. John's wort. All of these herbs should pour boiling water and infuse for one hour. The mixture is filtered and poured into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees mi. The patient can not take a bath more than 20 minutes. The course of treatment with therapeutic baths is approximately 10 - 15 baths. Yet to take therapeutic baths for eczema can be used bloodroot goose or upright, as well as forget-me field.
To treat eczema you can also resort to the poultice. Take the cooked cabbage leaves in the milk, mix it with bran, and use as a poultice for eczema. Another very good fit for this plate of fresh potatoes.
List the people's recipes eczema can be very long. Remember that all the folk remedies are indeed very effective. Consequently, they can actually save you from many of the symptoms of eczema practically forever.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to cure eczema?

Eczema - one of the most common skin diseases. The fact that you have eczema you just prompt many bubbles that appear on the inflamed skin. These bubbles coalesce and burst, while reminding the bubbles of boiling water. Gradually, these areas of the skin or rind formed moist areas of inflammation.
If you find yourself in the skin such as blisters, in any case do not begin to engage in any self-medicate. Better and more correct in these cases, seek medical attention. Treatment and diagnosis of eczema do dermatologists.
There are a number of different causes of eczema. Dermatologist must first determine exactly the cause of the disease, after which he will be able to designate a patient the right course of needed treatment. It is possible that you need more advice and a nutritionist and allergist.
Modern pharmacology offers a large selection of drugs used to treat eczema. There are other - non-pharmacological treatments for eczema. A person is not always possible to get rid of this disease completely. However, almost always with the right approach to the healing process manifestations of eczema can be reduced to a minimum.
For the treatment of eczema doctors have resorted to anti-allergic drugs, glucocorticoid ointments and pills, sedatives, and vitamins. For the treatment of microbial eczema is almost always used antibiotics. In some cases, patients with eczema or prescribe a course of acupuncture cryotherapy.
Very important points during the treatment of eczema are eating healthy foods and some dietary compliance. Patients with eczema it is recommended to minimize the consumption of citrus fruits, mushrooms and beef broth.
If the baby suffers from eczema, then take care of proper nutrition to breast-feeding. It should eliminate from your diet all foods that can cause allergies. It is also very important in the case of eczema in young children properly introduce solid foods. Improper artificial feeding substantially increases the risk of eczema in a baby.
Treatment of eczema is assigned depending on the stage of disease. If you have the initial stage of eczema, which is characterized by the presence of only red, then you will be assigned a local therapy. Local therapy includes a variety of powder, mash, lotions, pastes and ointments. If the eczema got ostrovospalitelnuyu form, then to treat it using cooling lotions and compresses of various binding agents or disinfectants.
Treatment of chronic eczema includes local hot bath, hot compress, a variety of absorbable ointment and ultraviolet rays. For all types of eczema is a must-see destination application of corticosteroid hormones.
Remember - never soak and do not wash the sore spots. They can be cleaned only with special oils. Do not expose these places such external stimuli as a strong wind, cold, snow and so on. Protect them with special bandages. Necessarily exclude patients of contact sites with fur and wool. They can only worsen the disease process.
During the treatment of eczema, along with the necessary course of treatment prescribed to the patient and soothing vitamins, and antisense drugs. If possible, would be a very effective course resort and sanatorium treatment.
Any experienced dermatologist can prescribe the correct and effective treatment of eczema. That is why when the first symptoms of this disease, seek immediate medical attention to this. This will help you get rid of the symptoms of thediseases without much effort and in a relatively short period of time.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Eczema on hands

This article deals with one of the most common dermatological diseases. It should be noted that among patients in the queue to a dermatologist, thirty percent of them suffer from this eczema. Immediately you want to draw your attention to the fact that eczema can become infected. It is not transmitted from person to person, as, for example, the same flu. Scientists say that eczema is transmitted only by heredity or genetics.
Eczema - a recurrent inflammation of the surface layers of skin, wearing a chronic nature. We all know that our skin is a protective function for the organs, muscles and bones. It also regulates the temperature of the body. Clogging of skin pores contributes to acne. However, not all acne is the worst problem facing our skin. If you have an itchy rash, it's possible it sends signals about the development of eczema.
The symptoms of eczema on the hands can be attributed peeling, cracking, excoriation. And if you're brushing your skin in these areas, it will lead to the emergence of secondary alterations in the form of infection, and pigmentation. Also on hand eczema appears dry and peeling skin lesions. Permanent feature of this disease - it's an itch, which increases with worsening disease. But do not be afraid before my time. To reassure you, let you know that the eczema on the hands is not as terrible as it is presented. It is the most harmless, unlike other forms of the disease.
Now a bit about the causes of eczema on his hands.To speak of any single reason in this case would be inappropriate. Typically, eczema is caused by the combined effect on the body neyroallergicheskih, metabolic, endocrine, and exogenous factors. This may be immune disorders, endocrine disorders, genetic predisposition, various gastro-intestinal tract, liver, and various stresses, as well as some occupational factors.
Determine exactly what the cause of this skin disease can only a good dermatologist. But these experts are often transferred from one mode of treatment to another. The fact is that every body reacts differently to a particular drug. Immediately it should be noted that to treat eczema on the hands only to the complex method, which includes not only nutrition but also the use of various sedatives and the use of medicines.
The most important rule for all eczema is their protection from the sun and light, since they contribute to an increase in eczema. To avoid this, you must apply to the affected sites bandages and dressings. In addition, any doctor prescribe more, and special ointments to help gently separate the peel from the sore points. Among these ointments can provide an ointment doctor slaves and paste Lyassara doctor. A very simple but very necessary element of a comprehensive treatment of eczema - is drawing special moisturizer. The skin of your hands should always be moist.
If you have eczema on the hands, try how you can use less soap, avoid frequent contact with hot water, and do not use detergents. The use of immunomodulatory drugs will help keep the inflammation of the skin under control. The use of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal medicines can help reduce the affected area and remove the swelling.
To date, there is also a special system of complex treatment of eczema using dietary supplements (dietary supplements) Tiens. Moreover, this system is used not only to treat eczema. With it you can get rid of any dermatological disease. Propolis Capsules Lian-yang, Cordyceps, fat eel - all of these dietary supplements are part of comprehensive treatment. With their help it is possible not only to get rid of eczema, but also to restore and clean all the patient's body.